a) The overall philosophy and approach
A primary objective of Agri2000 is to establish a social accord of collaboration between government, business and the communities.
b) The current status:-
Since 94 many positive government programs have been introduced.
- One of the major shortcomings have been the dissemination and integration of these programs within business and the public domain.
- Agri2000 provides a basis for a single dissemination platform for the communities, business and civil society.
This will incorporate all funding programs and training.
c) Of primary concern here are the following Departments:-
- Presidency
- Housing (Department of Human Settlement)
- Rural development ( Department of Rural Development and Land Reform)
- Agriculture( Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
- Economic development ( Department of Economic Development)
- Labor-( Department of Labor)
- Small business development
- Trade & Industries
- Water and Sanitation
- Provincial departments and
- Local authorities